Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Strategy for IBPS PO 2017

Must Do for IBPS PO 2017:
English Language

■ Develop Reading Habits and read newspaper daily to improve comprehension skills
■ Improve Vocabulary daily note atleast 10 words for Fillers and Cloze test questions
■Learn English Grammar Rules related to all parts of speech
■Memorise all important phrasal verbs learn all the different type of sentence structures, e.g. Conditionals etc.
■ For Sentence Rearrangement, learn the connecting words, conjunctions, and prepositional phrases.
■For new pattern questions, always read the directions twice, If the direction is clear then you can easily answer the questions.

Must Do for IBPS PO 2017: Quantitative Aptitude

■ Tables, squares, cubes, sq. roots and cube roots.
■ Develop the ability of speedy calculation to save time by watching online videos.
■Learn formulae and techniques for arithmetic portion - Time and Work, Speed Distance and Time, Upstream-Downstream, Percentage, Ratio, Average, Profit and Loss, SI & CI, Problem on trains, problem on ages.
■Practice tough level questions of Probability, Permutation and Combination .
(start from your favourite topic)

Must Do for IBPS PO 2017: Reasoning Ability

■ Improve your calculation speed and accuracy.
■ Practice with High Level Puzzles and Seating Arrangement questions.Develop higher order thinking skills.
■ Practice Logical Reasoning Question, Direction Sense Questions, Blood Relation,  Coding-Decoding, Machine Input-Output.

Must Do for IBPS PO 2017: General awareness

■ Read daily news and quiz
■ Make your own tricks to learn static gk for national parks,dams ,rivers ,state gk , bank tag lines hq etc
■ Own tricks will help u to remember more.
■ And daily revise all what u have learn or go through daily.

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